1 More warmup exercises
2 Representing a Simple Market
3 Handin instructions

Assignment 2, CSC490, Spring 2009

1 More warmup exercises

2 Representing a Simple Market

We’re going to begin to build the faintest skeleton of a market. In this market there’s just one equity to trade, and the "world" consists of bids and offers. All of these have limits. The goal here is to match up bidders and offerers so that they can effect transactions. That is, our program is making the market. Furthermore, we’re going to pocket the difference between the bid and offer prices (In practice, I believe the SEC frowns on this.)

3 Handin instructions

Any assignment that requires you to develop your own representations causes problems for automatic testing; that is, my code can’t test yours unless it knows how to represent its test data.

We’re going to try to solve by having *two* due dates for this assignment; the first one for the data representations, and the second one for the whole thing. After the first due date, I’m going to give you my data definitions, and your second submission will have to work with these data definitions.

So, for the first handin, you’ll only need to define the following types:
  • famTree

  • order

  • split

Put your code and tests (for the first part, just your examples of data) in a single ML file, and hand it in using the DrScheme handin plugin.