#lang racket ;; this code defines the sim-PAIG5 language as a module (module sim-PAIG5 racket (provide [rename-out (#%lam-app #%app) (my-with with)] #%module-begin #%datum + - * / = equal? <= => true false) (define-syntax (#%lam-app stx) (syntax-case stx (? else: blam) [(_ blam (args ...) body) #'(lambda (args ...) body)] [(_ e1 ? e2 else: e3) #'(if e1 e2 e3)] #;[(_ if e1 : e2 else: e3) #'(if e1 e2 e3)] [(_ e ...) #'(#%app e ...)])) (define-syntax my-with (syntax-rules (as) [(with [e as x] ... : eb) ((lambda (x ...) eb) e ...)]))) ;; this module uses the sim-VVQS5 language. That is, its ;; contents are written *in* the sim-VVQS5 language. ;; the only edits you should make are inside this module: (module my-mod1 (submod ".." sim-PAIG5) 1234 4567 (+ 4 5) {with [{+ 9 14} as z] [98 as y] : {+ z y}} ;; exercise 0: Give the name `f` to the function that ;; accepts an argument `x` and computes x^2 + 4x + 4. ;; apply `f` to seven. ;; exercise 1: Use the trick discussed in class to define ;; a `fact` function that computes the factorial of a given ;; number. Use it to compute the factorial of 12. ;; exercise 2: Define a 'pow' function that accepts a base ;; and a (natural number) exponent, and computes the base to ;; the power of the exponent. Don't worry about non-natural ;; number exponents (6^1.5, 5^-4). ;; exercise 3: use `fact` and `pow` to build a "sin" function ;; that accepts a number x and a number of terms `n`, and computes ;; (sin x) using `n` terms of the taylor expansion. (Note that ;; this is a little ambigious; do zero-coefficient terms count? ;; You can go either way on this.) Use this function to compute ;; the sine of 1 radian to an error of no more than ten to the minus ;; 30th. ) ;; this code actually invokes the 'my-mod1 module, so that the ;; code runs. (require 'my-mod1)