CSC 430 Study Guide (for some sections)
Here’s a study guide for the midterm.
1 Vocabulary
Be able to define, discuss, and use the following terms:
function definition
function call
variable reference
variable binding / bound variable / unbound or free variable
concrete syntax
abstract syntax
language design vs implementation
lazy vs eager argument evaluation
dynamic scope vs lexical scope
first class functions
higher order functions
map / fold / filter
2 Skills
You should be able to do the following things:
Use / convey the steps of the design recipe
Know a few design recipe templates / know why the templates are the way they are so that I could create a template for a given structure
Write functions in Racket and Typed Racket
Convert between cons, list, quote forms, identify which element of a list is which, and generally manipulate lists and trees
Translate between concrete and abstract syntax
- Read an EBNF and know what language forms each represent (e.g. can you tell me what abstract syntax form each line of the following represents?)
Expr = Num
| id
| String
| {if Expr Expr Expr}
| {local {id Expr} ... in Expr}
| {{id ...} => Expr}
| {Expr Expr ...}
... where an id is not local, in, if, or =>.
Desugar from convenient concrete syntax to core abstract syntax.
Be able to small step through a program’s evaluation (i.e. evaluate a program one expression at a time and understand the state of the potential environment at each step)
Be able to think through tweaks to any of the design decisions we’ve made for our language (or other languages you know) and discuss the implications of said tweaks.