Lab 4

Lab 4

In this lab, use make-pstream and pstream-queue and pstream-current-frame to trigger your sounds, so they don’t wind up on top of each other. To find out more about these three functions, use help desk.

No design recipe steps are required unless the item says "develop", as in "develop a program" or "develop a function".

Also, the rsound library provides several functions like sine-wave and sawtooth-wave that ... are probably not helpful to you. Using these functions will lead you into the world of signals, and we haven’t covered that in lecture at all, at this point. Don’t use them.

For your test cases in this lab, you’re going to be comparing inexact numbers. It’s not a good idea to compare inexact numbers for equality (they’re inexact, after all), so check-expect won’t let you do it. Instead, use the check-within form.

Next, here’s a tiny example of how you might use indexed-signal and signal->rsound to construct a second of noise:

(define (noisefun i)
  (/ (random 100) 100))
(define noisysound
   (* 1 FRAME-RATE)
   (indexed-signal noisefun)))

The following five steps are awesome, but optional.