1 Inputs
2 Partners
3 Handin

This week, your assignment is to produce a program that chops, slices, and dices an existing piece of music to make something new and pleasing to the ear.

Write this program using DrRacket, and the operators we’ve discussed. You’re also welcome to use other operators in the rsound library; take a look at the documentation to see what’s there.

1 Inputs

Your program should use as input five seconds or less of an existing track, and your output should be exactly 30 seconds long. I’ll suggest that the first five seconds shoudl be the original source sample, unmodified. This isn’t a strict requirement.

2 Partners

Do this assignment with your assigned partner. Let me know if you don’t know who your partner is!

3 Handin

Hand in your project using PolyLearn. You’ll need to submit a "zip" or "tgz" file containing the following three files:

Your program should contain a one-paragraph description of the idea that you used to create the music. Embed this in a comment in the file.

Note that both members of the team must do this; I want all of you to be able to make this work.