This is the last place that I lived in Princeton, and I have to say I was quite fond of it. It had two shortcomings: first, it was a long, narrow apartment, and featured two "bedrooms" which had no exterior windows at all. Second, everyone I knew in Princeton had either lived there, or slept with someone who'd lived there. I got really tired of people telling me about the crazy things they'd done right over there in that corner. I lived here with Guy, Courtney, Dara, and Ryan. (I'm sorry, I've forgotten your name, Mr. Lived-in-Ryan's-room-before-him.) I paid the most rent, and consequently occupied the single best bedroom. Ryan lived in the room of eternal darkness. Guy lived in the itty bitty "are you sure this is a bedroom?" bedroom. Courtney had what could have been the most spectacular room of all, but she had to share it with Dara, one of the most manipulative and unpleasant roommates it has been my distinct lack of pleasure to share a rent check with.

John Clements /
last modified 12/7/98; 12:43:36 AM